Monday, December 21, 2009

Ninja's Destiny

Grade 8

(Translated to English)

Once upon a time, there was a young ninja student named Kyosuke. He was very energetic, and showed signs of being very powerful. He dreamed of being a ninja of Hayato Temple, an elite league of ninja. Kyosuke’s older brother, Hyo, always gained attention wherever he went. Kyosuke was left behind in his brother’s shadow.
One day in late autumn, Kyosuke strolled off into the forest, and kept walking until it got dark. Kyosuke easily had gotten lost. As he struggled to remember how to get home, he heard running footsteps coming from behind a thicket of trees. Kyosuke looked to see what was happening. He saw four dark figures attacking… Hyo! Kyosuke immediately jumped in, helping his brother. Then, Kyosuke blacked out.
Waking up, Kyosuke had no idea what had happened. His brother lay hurt beside him.
“You saved me,” muttered Hyo in pain. Kyosuke felt sore like he was just fighting. Then it hit him. Kyosuke had fought off the ninjas! Kyosuke was amazed that he had the strength to fight that well. Kyosuke and Hyo got up and walked along the path. Suddenly, a man jumped out from behind a beech tree and knocked them both out with what appeared to be a bamboo sword!
Kyosuke woke up in a room with beds lined up along the wall. Hyo was still sleeping next to him.
“Hyo, wake up!” Kyosuke shouted. Hyo woke up in an instant, wondering where they were. Hyo stood up and walked around the room.
“I’m going to look around,” said Hyo. He walked out the door, just when a man walked in the other door.
The man said, “Oh, you’re finally awake!” He walked over to Kyosuke. “You better prepare yourself for the annual tournament,” said the man.
“Tournament!” shouted Kyosuke. 
The man nodded. “Yes. Follow me.” The man walked out the door, and Kyosuke followed him. They walked down a hallway. Kyosuke didn’t know what was going on. As the hall came to an end, they walked into a large torch lit room. Kyosuke gazed in amazement. He turned to ask the man a question, but he wasn’t there. Suddenly, two men escorted him to the fight mat. The fights began.
One after another, Kyosuke defeated his opponents like they were nothing. The man with the bamboo sword came out to congratulate him. Just then, Hyo came running out.
“This is Hayato Temple!” Hyo yelled. Kyosuke was amazed.
“Congratulations!” said the man. Then, Kyosuke noticed that the man with the bamboo sword was Hayato himself!
Hyo returned to his home and lived peacefully with his family, while Kyosuke lived as a ninja in Hayato temple.


Bart Fatima's Letter to Fei Fong-Wong

Grade 7

How are you doing there
Mr. Fei Fong-Wong?
Don't you remember me?
We used to get along.

We fought with Solaris,
And that guy in blue.
Remember the sewers?
We fought there, too.

Where have you been,
Mr. Fei Fong-Wong?
I don't understand.
We used to get along.

My name is Bart
Remember Citan?
Oh, yeah, and Billy,
Now he's a man.

Why can't you remember,
Mr. Fei Fong-Wong?
What, are you stupid?
We used to get along.

What's up with you?
It's been only five years.
Remember your Xeno,

Do you have amnesia,
Mr. Fei Fong-Wong?
Either that or you've gone nuts.
We used to get along.

What about Urobulous?
He was the boss.
How could you forget?
A memory loss?

What happened to you,
Mr. Fei Fong-Wong?
"Oh, Fei? He just left here.
We were getting along."


Grade 7

Formating Research Organization of Gifu, Japan, Project Eleven

August 21, 2028

Today, we discovered a new way to create artificial life as we know it! Kyoto and I were building a new voice compactment module for the computer and as I misplaced the A/V connection wire and the special attatchment output, there was a short circut. It surged energy into the computer. The computer was typing it's own words out on the screen using artificial logic! It was so amazing. The computer typed in 1000-101-1100-1100-1111, a binary code. Translated, it means hello! The computer knew on it's own what to say! We informed the rest of the staff here in Gifu, and didn't release it to the public. This is so exciting!

September 22, 2028

After about a month of research and testing, we finally duplicated the control system and made a workable version of an artificial life progrom. We named it F.R.O.G.-J/11. We made it look enough like a frog to still fit the programing controls. We are going to test it tomorrow.

September 23, 2028

I couldn't belive the results! It acted all on its own and passed all of the tests we prepared! After the testing, we installed programming that will make F.R.O.G-J/11 react to crime, since we decided to use it as a crime punishment system.

December 20, 2028

After five months of testing, we finally have an offer from the government. Emperor Kyoshido agreed to let the police use F.R.O.G.-J/11 to stop crime! We told them that everything was okay with using our F.R.O.G. system and told them about all of the special weapons and attatchments. I can't tell you in this journal what they are, for the risk of this journal being stolen.

January 15, 2029

I'm so glad that I've finally got my journal back! The person who stole it was apprehended by the police after he tried to blackmail us.


Grade 7

It was a normal day, just like any other, when the most unusual thing happened. I was hungry, looking for small animals to hunt for food. I was walking along keeping my eyes peeled, as I smelled something. I closed my eyes and smelled some more. I traced the scent and lifted my arm up and pointed, turned to the left, and opened my eyes. I saw a wild boar, perfect for eating! I ran for it as it saw me. I leaped at it, but it began to run, as it revealed a rock. I was heading striaght for it! It happened so fast that I didn't even realize I was about to hit a rock. I opened my mouth and bit the rock... OUCH!!! I stood and tried to block out the pain and began to chase the boar, knowing that this was my only chance for food all day. I ran as fast as I could, but I didn't seem to be catching up to the boar, when the chase ended.
The boar had tripped over a rock. With a sprained ankle, the boar was unable to run. I dragged him back to my living grounds. When I arrived, I carefully took out the parts of the boar that were not edible, not to damage the lucious meat, and threw them over to my right to form a pile of stench, to keep them downwind of me. I sliced out the meat with the stone meat cutter I had made so many years ago, after I had gotten lost in the wilderness when my grandfather had died. About a month before his death, he had given me a golden brcelet with a red jewel on top of it. It seemed as if he knew he was going to die soon after in that month. I still wear it to this day and look deeply into the red, red heart of the jewel, to remember my beloved grandfather.
Getting back to the story, I started a fire, and started cooking the meat, for I was hungry. I first started cooking the leg meat, because that was the part I liked the best. I had it roasting on a stick, like a marshmallow.
A giant kokka bird landed and perched on the small, yet steep plateau next to my living grounds, looking at the meat I had, when all of a sudden, I heard a snort coming from the bottom of the hill that I was on.
I ran over to the side of the hill and saw three man-like pigs towing a wheelbarrow of gold away. I ran down the side of the  hill, in hope to stop them, but the hill was steep, and I lost control of my footing. I was running too fast, and I couldn't stop! Just then, the pigs saw me and let out a squeal, trying to get out of my way, but it was too late. I smashed into all three of them and they scatterd all over the place. The first two I hit got thrown into different directions, while the third got launched into a tree branch. He was knocked out, and laying on that branch. I then hit the tree and was a little phased, but got back up in no time. The two pigs were running away without the third, but I stopped them using my blackjack, a ball with spikes, but not sharp, tied to a rope that I could swing around and hit animals with, which I used for hunting. They fell to the ground, and just when I thought I had defeated them, the branch with the pig on it fell right on top of me. I was knocked out, and the pigs stole my golden bracelet. They threw it in with the rest of the gold, and the two pigs pushed the wheelbarrow with the unconcious pig on the top away.
I wearily stood up, and noticed that my bracelet was gone. I knew that the pigs stole it. I followed the path that the wheelbarrow left behind and began my journey.

Fire in the Skies!

Grade 7

(Fire in the skies!)

Fire all around
Reaching from the ground
Everyone can see
(STOP!) immediatly
Stopping, staring,
Intensly glaring
The fire police
(MOVE!) immediatly

Fire in the skies
All around there's people screaming
Fire in the skies
Coming down, can't stop the gleaming
Fire in the skies
Northward bound, the cars are streaming
Fire in the skies

{guitar solo}

Run for your lives
Don't leave your kids or wives
The tolls are free
(GO!) immediatly
No time to look
Put down the book
No place to be
(RUN!) immedialy

Fire in the skies
All around there's people screaming
Fire in the skies
Coming down, can't stop the gleaming
Fire in the skies
Northward bound, the cars are streaming
Fire in the skies

{drum solo}

Fire in the skies
All around there's people screaming
Fire in the skies
Coming down, can't stop the gleaming
Fire in the skies
Northward bound, the cars are streaming
Fire in the skies
All around there's people screaming
Fire in the skies
Coming down, can't stop the gleaming
Fire in the skies
Northward bound, the cars are streaming {repeat until end}