Thursday, May 28, 2009

Rick Lime

Grade 6

Once a little boy was sick.
I'm pretty sure his name was Rick.
He had nothing to do
but play a kazoo,
so he made up a limerick.

Hit and Run

Grade 6

First Draft:
Ray was driving a car when he hit David Gregg who lived on 1279 Morningside Road. It happened on mountain road where David was riding his bicycle. He died on route to St. Joseph's Hospital. The car was light blue.

One night, Ray, Barry, Julie, and Helen were drinking and Barry flipped a coin to see who would drive home. Ray won the toss and drove home. On the way, Ray hit a boy on a bike, who died on the way to St. Joseph's Hospital. His name was David Gregg, who was returning home from a friend's house. I don't think it was really Ray's fault because the bike didn't have reflectors or lights on it, but Ray was wrong to have been drinking and driving. Everyone in the car made a pact, not to tell that they hit David Gregg, for they would be sent to jail for it.

Three Haiku

Grade 6

"Natural Disasters"
Dreaded Hurricanes
Floods and Earthquakes are raging
Damaging Twisters

Fields of grass and grain
Flowing rhythms in the plains
Peacefully growing

frosty covering
flurries are gently falling
cold winds are blowing

Megaman Legends: A Poem

Grade 6

This hero saved an island
from a dreadful fate.
It happens every hundred years;
that is up to this date.

First a band of pirates came
and tried to steal the loot,
but this faithful hero
gave them all the boot.

Then he went underground;
the ruins, he did explore,
found an evil robot
and had to fight some more.

This robot was a tough one
but our hero was the tougher;
The robot held in strongly
and made our hero suffer.

Our hero came through in the end
but the robot had a surprise
and deep underground, in that lair,
we will know not who dies.

. . .

Our hero emerged from the lair
and the whole island was saved
Megaman is this hero
and for this he is praised.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Dream Dog

Grade Unknown

I recently purchased a 1-year old German Shepherd named Roger. He has a long, floppy tail, but slobbers a lot. I got a German Shepherd because I like the black and light-brown colors. He plays frisbee with me and always sleeps in my bed when I'm not around. After we play, I feed him his favorite foods which include dog buscuits and Jello. Since he is such a good pet, I let him have his own rug and an air conditioned doghouse. I think he has it better than I do.

Letter to Vincent

Grade 4

72 Moscow Street
Votkinsk, Russia 20348
November 27, 1889

Mr. Vincent van Gogh
32 Rue du Crayon
Arles, France 02958

Dear Vincent,

I am a music composer named Peter Tchaikovsky. I composed music for the Nutcracker, Romeo and Juliet, and Swan Lake. I also composed six symphonies. I am writing to you because I want to tell you that I like your paintings. In a way, we are both composers. You compose art, and I compose music.

You are a good artist because you use thick brush strokes. I like the bright colors that you use. I think that you will be a famous artist someday. I like your "Starry Night" painting the best because I like the vivid colors that you used.

I hope you compose more fantastic paintings. I hope I compose more fantastic music.

Peter Tchaikovsky

The Importance of Commercials

Grade 9

Although many people consider commercials annoying while watching T.V., commercials are indeed important. Not only are they an essential part of the business industry, they are important to us. We need commercials to inform us of offers or events, and we need them as a break in our program. How else would we go to the bathroom or put out a fire? Businesses need commercials to sell their products, and also the shows we watch need sponsors. As Chris Riley said, "I hate that stupid 'Chia Pet' commercial," but Chia wouldn't make any money if they didn't remind us consumers.